From the head coach Alex
The term 2 2023 timetable is out now and available for booking!
Last term all of our kids classes Monday though Friday were completely booked out, so to avoid disappointment we highly recommend booking in ASAP. Once we hit our class capacity we can not squeeze anyone else in!
We value providing high quality classes which means smaller class sizes, allowing for more time per student and overall safety.
New morning sessions
Starting in 2023 we now have a range of morning sessions for both kids and adults.
Preschool - designed for ages 3-5 years, for those young ones who love to move!
Home school - 4 more classes throughout the week
Parkour basics and intermediate
Striking basics - learn the fundamentals of striking ( kickboxing )
Kids timetable
Adults timetable
School holiday timetable
Social events for the school holidays!
Outdoor social training
This will be held at civic park in town. An instructor will be present with a first aid kit but please note that these are informal non bookable events with no supervision, instruction or liability. Just the whole community getting together for jumps and training. Our recommendation is that if you don't feel comfortable leaving your children in a park alone for the day then they are not ready to join this event.
Free outdoor strength training
Everyone is encouraged to attend. Parents, friends and family all welcome! Our Thursday strength is as hard or easy as you wish to make it. Our oldest member was in his 50's and he was doing pushups on walls and doing assisted squats. We can accommodate for any level as long as you are willing to try.
Pre-teen intermediate and comp team competition/social day!
We have our end of term community competition coming up on Wednesday 21st of December. It runs from 1:30pm - 6:00 pm with a skills, speed and freerunning competition. We will have open training on the entire day. Free entry for all students and community members past and present. However we require participants to be over the age of 10 or in pre-teens intermediate or above to join in. Anyone is welcome to come and watch however!
Common question
When are they ready to move up a class? We individually assess students throughout the term and will let them know directly when they are ready to move up. The levels are as follows; kids basics > Pre-teen basics > Pre-teen intermediate > Comp team > Open session ( self directed training )
Our goal is to train students so they can train themselves and develop a love for movement so they no longer need a coach!
Lastly, but most importantly
Thank you for supporting our coaches to do the job that we all genuinely love, and enabling me to have the resources to train our students into our next community leaders and teachers. We will see you this school holidays or term 1.
Enjoy the holidays!
Head coach Alex and the rest of the team at Newcastle Parkour